Friday, July 6, 2007

School Board votes on tougher dress code for 2007-2008

The Flagler school board has voted to enact what they describe as a "tougher" dress code for the 2007-2008 school year while they are waiting to put in place the uniform policy during 2008-2009.

The details can be found in the News-Journal's story on the board meeting, but according to the News-Journal "changes" coming include:

· Miniskirts, short shorts or dresses must be 4 inches above the knee.

· No underwear should be seen at any time.

· Shirts must reach the belt line of pants or be long enough to get tucked in.

· Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed (this includes those with wheels and possibly flip flops).

· All pants must be properly sized and worn secured at the waist level.

It doesn't seem much different from the previous dress code, quoted here from the student manual for last year posted on the district's website:
1. Short shorts/micro-mini skirts or dresses must be no shorter than the length of the student's longest finger with their arms relaxed at their side.
2. Hats, headgear, or any head covering (bandanas, sweatbands, du-rags) are not allowed.
3. Tops must be long enough to clearly overlap the belt line or stay tucked in during the course of the normal movement throughout the school day.
4. Bare midriff tops, halters, revealing tops, tank tops, muscle shirts, mesh clothing, see-through clothing, blouses or shirts with string straps are not allowed.
5. Underwear, including bra straps or boxer shorts that show is not allowed.
6. Underwear and sleepwear as outer clothing are not allowed.
7. Tight fitting clothing or spandex-type material that is not covered by other clothing is not allowed.
8. Clothes or tattoos that show profanity, violence, sexually suggestive phrases or pictures, gang related symbols, alcohol, tobacco, drugs or advertisements for such products or other phrases or symbols deemed inappropriate by the administration will not be allowed.
9. Wearing apparel, which tends to identify association with secret societies or gangs as prohibited in Florida Statues are not allowed.
10. No sunglasses can be worn inside buildings.
11. Wallet chains or dog collars are not allowed.
12. Chains in excess of 12” that hang outside clothing are not allowed.
13. Jewelry that presents a safety or health hazard or causes a major disruption to the educational process is not allowed.
14. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed. (i.e. footwear with wheels, including but not limited to Healy’s)
15. Clothing which is not worn appropriately, is not properly fastened, or has tears that are indecent will not be permitted.
16. All trousers, including oversized or low-hanging trousers, must be worn and secured at waist level.
17. Clothing must be free of intentional holes or rips that are 4” above knee. This can cause a distraction to the educational environment.

Students who are considered to be dressed inappropriately or who violate above guidelines will be sent to the office. The administration/designee shall determine whether a mode of dress is in violation of the district Dress Code Policy. In cases where a student is inappropriately dressed, arrangements will be made with the parents for an appropriate change of clothing. In the case of high school students, with parent authorization, the child may be sent home for a change of clothing.
Students who are sent to the office more than one time for Dress Code violations will be subject to disciplinary measures.
Looks like the only real change is the definition of how the skirts are measured and the inclusion of footwear in the code. The real question is - will there be actual enforcement of the dress code now? The uniform debate wouldn't even be happening if the existing code had been enforced.

I'm all for the dress code. Enforce that instead of forcing kids into uniforms that don't actually solve any problems and cause even more expense and work for parents.

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